My local Disney store opens at 9am every day. I had been to try and open the store once before, but I got there too late the first time. This morning I would make sure I got to open it, whatever the cost!
At 8:30am I approached my local shopping centre and got distracted by the Calendar Club stall which was just opening. Whilst looking at the Nightmare Before Christmas calendar, something in my head reminded me that I wasn't there for calendars. Instantly I put down the calendar and hurried along to the Disney Store. The shutters were up and in front of the doorway was a series of barriers and a giant padlock, presumably for a giant key. Two staff members were standing observing the passing public, obviously looking for someone who would approach them.
9:05 came and went, and I sought my chance. I went up to the staff members and asked if the store was opening soon. This was when they asked me to open it. I was flattered and the child inside of me started to get very excited.
I was asked a variety of questions, including who my favourite character from Disney was. (Tramp obviously...) The key was brought forward from the back of the store and was given to me. All I had to do was place the end of the key (A crafted lookalike of Cinderella's castle) into the padlock and turn it clockwise. This unlocked the barriers and opened the store. I was then given a souvenir miniature key, much like the one that opened the store.
This process is magical. No other word for it. It's something I've wanted to do for quite a while, so this morning made my day.
If you're an adult and are reading this, take your kid along to open the Disney store. It's worth every minute and they go away with a memory to cherish for a lifetime!

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