It was midnight on Friday 3rd April, and I was still frantically trying to pack for going away the same morning. I like to procrastinate and leave everything until last minutes, so as a result, I only got 4 hours sleep. But let me tell you, I wasn't tired in the slightest.
I got to the station and after yawning a couple of times (I insist I wasn't tired! honest!) I found out that the train I was meant to be getting had been delayed in leaving the depot. I felt a bit peeved, but 15 minutes later, the train pulled in and I felt much better. From Sunderland to Hartlepool I was the only one in the carriage so I decided I would get my camera out and film a few bits on the train. After about 10 videos I got the attempt I wanted and by then the train was ready to receive more passengers.
The next time I got my phone out to vlog, was at Kings Cross Station. My intention was to film myself walking out of the station, but my phone decided not to record these bits. again I was a little peeved, but the sight of the St Pancras clock tower lightened my mood because I knew I was in London again at last.
When I reached my hotel, I immediately sat down to a sachet of Kenco coffee, which was to die for, and I definitely needed it because by that stage I was a little drained. I soon felt refreshed and was ready for my adventure. Feeling daring, I ventured to the tube station to begin my day in the city.
And Who did I see walking down the road towards me? Well at that time I had no idea, but I knew I recognised him. Things got awkward when he also entered the barriers at the station after I did, and we also shared a lift down to the platform. I got on the train to Morden Via Bank, and it was clear then that I had got the wrong train. At Camden Town (Edgeware Branch) I alighted and made my way to Camden Town (Charing X Branch) and the train pulled in shortly after this. And who did I see when I got on the train? Yes you guessed it. That familiar face. It was clear from the reactions of the others around me, that they also knew his face. I looked over and his head was buried in a book (most likely a script) so I decided that I wouldn't approach, as that would have made him feel awkward.
When the train pulled into Leicester Square station I discovered that this man had also got off at the same stop and was on the escalator behind me. Still I didn't remember who on earth he was! Outside the station he got lost in the crowd, so I got out my phone, and did a quick google search. It was none other than Damien Lewis, husband of Helen McCrory. He must have been on his way to rehearsals or something because he was due to appear in a show in a couple of weeks.
When my state of star-struck faded, I decided I would make my way to the theatre to pick up my tickets for the Phantom of the Opera. Unfortunately I ended up at the stage door of the Queen's theatre (under the watchful eye of the 'fans' of Carrie Hope Fletcher) doing a google search to find out what way to go. Carrie eventually turned up in a taxi and walked straight past her fans. One girl commented "She must hate us today". No, she's probably very tired and has a two show day to focus on so leave her alone to do her job...
After two wrong turns, and ending up at the Coliseum by accident (it was a useful accident though as I would then know how to get back there for Sweeney Todd the day after!) twice, I decided to go round to the stage door. I wasn't hoping to see any of the cast, but as I turned a corner, Philip Quast walked briskly towards me and the stage door. He was met by someone there who said "Come on Philip, you're late!" Philip Quast late to a show warm-up? Unbelievable! TSK TSK!
I thought I would stay for a little while longer in the hope of seeing someone else, but then the sounds of a cast warming up, erupted from somewhere above me, and I knew then that all that standing around was now in vain. They were all in the building. So feeling a little defeated (though I have no idea why) I decided to head back towards the Phantom of the Opera to finally pick up my ticket.
I had no idea the box office was actually inside the theatre, so it meant I got into the venue at the same time as matinee crowds. I was ecstatic because it meant I would get a sneak peek at the merchandise on offer. In advance of the evening show I purchased a white Phantom of the Opera mug, and a programme ahead of the evening show. Delighted with my purchases, I decided that once again I needed coffee. It was time to search and find the Theatre Cafe! I''d heard a lot about the theatre cafe from other people/friends who had been there before I had and I was so intrigued by the whole thing. After getting lost again, I made my way back towards a Starbucks next to the Queen's theatre, which I had seen recently, and decided I would go and buy that London mug I had had my eye on for a while. When I saw how busy it was I gave up the chase and went straight to the front of the Queen's theatre. That was when my eagle eyes noticed the Theatre Cafe. Smaller than I expected if I'm honest. But my first impressions were all but cast aside when I entered.
Littering the walls were posters from all sorts of past west end shows. I saw Into the Woods, Billy Elliot, Wicked, Miss Saigon, The Commitments to name but a few. But that wasn't all. In lights at the back was Theatre Cafe, and this took up the majority of the back wall. I looked around again and saw as well props from shows. I thought this place is wonderful so I ordered a latte. My cup had plastered on it a Charlie and the Chocolate factory logo. I was a little disappointed when I discovered it was just a cardboard cover as opposed to actually printed on the cup. If it had been printed onto the cup I may have kept it. But more on keeping coffee cups later ;)

From here I decided to head to the Globe Theatre and pay for a ticket for the tour. What you didn't see in the video was the majority of the exhibition. The reason for this is because I was so overwhelmed with it all, that spoiling that feeling for others wouldn't be very clever of me, so Im letting you all judge for yourselves if you go. Prepare to be educated on the history of Shakespeare and his theatre. After this is was time to go into the Globe. That was a wonderful moment. I cannot recommend the tour enough. If you are a Student, like me, it'll cost you the minimal amount of £11. a bargain if ever there was one.

I noticed a starbucks right next door and decided to finally cave and buy the London mug. They also had an England one with Shakespeare and the Globe on it, which would have made more sense to buy there considering it was right next door, but I bought the London one because I remembered the England one was available all over England.
Then of course it was time to go to Phantom. My intention had been to visit Tower Bridge before seeing the show, but I had no time and a large section of my vlog which I recorded walking up the street next to St Pauls, was omitted from the final cut as I mentioned Tower Bridge and the LEGO version and then never actually got there. It made sense to cut it.
And so after that meaty account of my trip, let us take a moment to enjoy a review...
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA - Her Majesty's Theatre
Cast included: Geronimo Rauch, Emmi Christensson, Oliver Savile, Lara Martins, Phillip Griffiths, Tim Morgan, Jacinta Mulcahy, John Ellis and Alicia Beck.

All in all my day was long, fast paced, and absolutely incredible. I didn't think Sunday could top it. But oh was I wrong! The follow-up blogpost for Sunday will be up soon. All I have to say now is I hope you enjoyed reading! :)