Saturday, 30 November 2013

A Disturbance in the Force? Or Just a Simple Jedi Mind Trick?

The battlefield... sadly no lightsabers...

Am I the man they're looking for?
It all started 3 weeks ago when my Dad alerted me to the fact that Disney were holding open auditions for the much anticipated sequel, Star Wars Episode VII.  When it was first announced Disney was taking over Lucasfilm and were making another Star Wars film, I have to admit.  I groaned and clutched my 6 Star Wars DVDs to my chest, praying for the news to be false.  Sadly though it looks like they're going ahead with it.

Now even though I was against the idea at first, I decided that this was too good an oppurtunity to miss.  My Dad linked me to the BBC News article stating that Disney were holding open auditions for two main roles, a male and a female.  At first I looked at it quizically and came to the conclusion that because I was only 18 I wasn't elligible to take part.  I was stupid though, because they were looking for someone over 18, and I had been 18 for many months already.  So between my Dad and I we agreed that I was to go forward for this.  Audition points were in Manchester, Bristol, London, Dublin and, to my delight, in Glasgow!

The auditions were scheduled to be on 2 weeks ago today, but were called off because of the size of the venue they intended to use.  They were lucky!  There would have been carnage, had they not changed the venue!  Rest in peace to those who died in the Police Helicopter crash last night.  The final choice of venue was Glasgow Science Centre.  I was quite taken-aback when this was announced because all the other audition events took place at sportsgrounds and concert venues... Not in a museum.

So after a very early start of 4am (breakfast at 4:30), my Dad and I set off for Glasgow at 5am on the dot.  We got to Glasgow and parked in the Hydro Car Park at around 6:15 and by the time we got to the Science Centre, the Queue was open and only I was allowed to go and stand in the queue.  100 people in front I thought, "This could be a long wait".  6:45 I suddenly realised that it was baltic temperature and my feet froze so much I couldn't feel my toes.  This didn't stop me however.  7:15 came and I felt inclined to sit down.  I suddenly remembered I had my DS in my rucksack after forgetting to take it out whilst unpacking my stuff last night.  So I spent a good hour working my way through various Mah Jong puzzles, and I was quite content.

8am was the moment it all changed.  The queue started moving.  You could feel the buzz of excitement from all who were there as we moved....about an inch.  Still it was something.  A step in the right direction, closer to possible stardom.  The dream in everyone's minds at that point was exactly that.  To win the role.

Around 8:30, staff members with megaphones announced that the auditions were beginning and brought out the casting staff who would be interviewing us today.  Then we were also introduced to the guests of honour...  Stormtroopers, shipped direct from the Death Star had come to oversee the throng.  It was a nice touch, but a tad ironic considering the forms that we were given, to fill in with our details around 30 minutes later stated that the film was untitled...  Of course, it was the press who gave the game away that it was for Star Wars that these auditions were being conducted.

I finally got to the front of the queue around 9:45am.  a whole hour and 15 minutes before they were due to open.  First we were presented with mirrors so we could make ourselves look 'handsome' and 'beautiful' just like the casting call stated.  Then it was onto the proper interviews.  I was interviewed by a really nice Scottish woman named Sarah.  Poor Sarah...  I must have been twice her height...  I could have sworn she had to crane her neck to talk to me...  Sarah asked me questions like:
 "What do you do?" (I'm an actor was my response),

"Why do you like acting?" (It's always been where I have felt most comfortable),

"What sort of movies do you like?" (Anything really, but mostly musical theatre and action, movies with big epic moments in them),

 "Who is your favourite actor?" (Now this response I didn't have to think about:  Sir Christopher Lee!) and finally,

 "Who is your favourite actress?" (I had to think about this one, and I shamefully made the crap decision of "Jenna Coleman from Doctor Who"...  Sorry Helena, I completely forgot about you...).  Then I was thanked for attending and told to put my application form with headshot into a box as I left, and that was it.  approximately 10 minutes the whole thing took, not even.

Overall I am so glad I went, because now if any more open auditions come up, I'll be able to remember this experience as my first.  I obviously wasn't told anything, so we'll see what happens in the future...

Safe to say I probably won't be involved in the making of Star Wars Episode VII... but who knows at this stage?  Only time will tell...

Kind Regards

Gordon H

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Review:- Walk On by Amy McLean

disclaimer:  this review may contain spoilers, and may also be a bit biased (or not).

From the moment I finished the first chapter of Walk On.  I knew I wouldn't be able to put it down.  The book is structured in a very imaginative way and it keeps you reading.

Walk On contains some scenes of harsh brutality, most of it coming from her husband, and miserable disgrace of a character, Peter.  Maggie's way of escape is into the four walls inside her head, where she can lock herself away from the terrors of reality.  There is also a very spiritual element to the novel, in the form of an Angel, named Ariana, who is of course Maggie's guardian angel.  Ariana shows Maggie some visions of the past, a tragic tale of two lovers and misunderstandings.  Throughout the novel there is a running theme of a bridge. For instance Maggie's favourite painting is Claude Monet's Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies, and the cover of the novel shows a bridge as well.  Once you finish the novel, it is clear why the author chose to use such a beautiful image for the cover of the novel, and also the beautiful metaphor of the bridge throughout.

This is Amy McLean's first outing as a novelist.  Currently sitting her third year in her English Degree, Amy has coped well balancing a novel on top of all of her workload.  It amazes me how well thought out and how well written the novel is, considering she hasn't finished her degree yet.  I will definitely read more of Amy's work, as she has a true talent that not many people still in university can say they have.

Before reading the book, I found out that Amy had been heavily influenced by her favourite book, The Boy Who Could See Demons, written by her favourite author, Carolyn Jess-Cooke, and whilst reading, I felt this definitely shone through because you can clearly see the effort that she has put into this, after her writer's block was cured by Jess-Cooke's wonderful novel.

Overall Walk On is definitely worth the read, and if you haven't already, you should definitely buy the book and read it for yourself.  It is hard to say a bad word about it and I think it will captivate you and leave you with a very open mind.

From the bridge in Maggie's favourite painting, to the bridge of the novel, Walk On leaves the reader wondering how it will end, if it will end well, or if it will all end in tears... How exactly does it end? You'll just need to read it to find out! ;)

This review can also be found on my goodreads page here :)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Book Review - The Guardian Angel's Journal by Carolyn Jess-Cooke

Back in April/May I was recommended to read The Boy Who Could See Demons by Carolyn Jess-Cooke. So I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so that I ended up writing about it in my English exam since it fit one of the questions...

I knew back then that Jess-Cooke's first book was The Guardian Angel's Journal and after enjoying The Boy Who Could See Demons so much, I decided that I would read it.

Before I go into my thoughts let me give you a taster of the story.  Margot Delacroix suddenly dies and when she gets into heaven, God gives Margot the task of being her own guardian angel, under the new name of Ruth.  Under the direction of Nan, another angel in heaven, Ruth realises that she will watch over Margot from the very beginning of her life.  Ruth knows exactly what happens all through Margot's life (having lived it all before) and she wishes she could change Margot's life for the better after everything that happened, however it's not all that simple, as she soon learns what consequences are in store for her.

I really enjoyed this book.  It was interesting to read Jess-Cooke's first outing second, because after reading Demons and enjoying it so much, I did wonder if this book would be less appealing to me being a first novel, but it did not take away from the enjoyment of the story at all.  Both The Guardian Angel's Journal and The Boy Who Could See Demons have their similarities and differences. This one was told from the point of view of an Angel, and the other was kind of told from the point of view of the Demon (albeit the demon isn't really there.).  It was interesting to see how demons fit into this story, after reading about them in the other book.

In short, The Guardian Angel's Journal is unlike anything I have ever read before.  I love the style of writing Jess-Cooke has and how the story developed and also how the characters developed.  Early on we see a completely different side of Ruth and then as it progresses we gradually see her develop and change and it really did keep the story going; her determination to be able to change things when she couldn't really shone through the whole novel.  When reading about Margot's life, how dark and horrible it was, right from birth, it is, in parts, incredibly moving.  In the early chapters, I nearly found myself in tears, and that hasn't happened since I read the end of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables.  The power of the narrative and what is going on in Margot's life, feeling sorry for both Margot and Ruth at the same time, it all really makes you want to bawl into your pillow.

I also found this book was one that couldn't be put down.  That sounds very cliché, but the past few nights I have lost track of the time during the reading of it.  It really grabs your attention and makes you want to read more and more, which is what I feel makes this book one that I won't forget for a long time.  I bought my own copy yesterday and I've also ordered The Boy Who Could See Demons because I know that at some point in my life I would love to go back and relive these books again.  I hope Jess-Cooke continues to write novels because right now I have been left with the desire to read more.  It's probable I will pick up her poetry collection, Inroads at some point too.  But probably not for a little while yet.

I wouldn't recommend this book to young teenagers, but older teenagers and adults will definitely appreciate this book, and if you are into books about Angels and Demons, this is definitely one you should read.

kind regards

Gordon H

PS: The cover is gorgeous!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

A rather late update

Hi all

This is an update for you all.  I know I failed to keep my promise of a blogpost per evening every night during Les Misérables and Oliver! at the Edinburgh Fringe.  There were many reasons for the failure.  One I was too fecking tired after nearly every show that I either forgot or simply couldn't be bothered (I know, it's very bad of me...), another being that I didn't have anything new to say about the subject at all.  One other major blip was the fact my camera packed in and the footage I took backstage of the final show which would have been showvlog 2 was lost.

But fear not.  I do plan to keep doing videos since I enjoyed doing the Playing Javert vlogs.  It gave me something different to do every evening for a while which was nice.  I'll probably be doing a mixture of vlogs, reviews, tag videos yadayadayada. (look out for my first attempt at "Actor Hopping" coming soon!

So Les Misérables finished with an incredible last performance, which was sold out and received the best standing ovation I've ever witnessed at a show.  That night backstage was very emotional (not just for me, but for everyone else and all the audience as well.  It became apparent that the audience felt the pain of the last night along with the people involved in the show.

My lovely Amy saw the show and reviewed it. During the next few days we saw the wonderful Caroline Rhea (Aunt Hilda from Sabrina the Teenage Witch).  Amy had tweeted her before the show saying we were looking forward to it, and Caroline actually came and said hello before the show started (Amy knows her quite well I'd say) and best of all, before I'd even said a word she took my hand and said "Oh you're Gordon"...  Safe to say I was a little starstruck but that did not take away from the enjoyment of her comedy show at the Gilded Balloon.  Sadly, we didn't get to meet her afterwards, which was really gutting, but can't be helped since she was apparently called away urgently afterwards.  Whilst waiting outside of the Gilded Balloon, some guy who had a show on, came up to us and asked us to choose a song for him to play on a small bespoke instrument.  He claimed to know every single song and asked us to name any song for him to play as a small demonstration.  So I picked I Dreamed A Dream, but I do regret not asking for Stars, as I'm not sure he would have known that one, but ah well.  Once we'd been serenaded with I Dreamed a Dream, whilst walking back to get the bus, we heard Les Mis again, this time it was being blasted from Edinburgh Castle...  Weirder still it then became Darth Vader's march....  We won't question it.

Over the last few days I've found out that I've been accepted onto a Performing Arts course at the University of Sunderland.  During the University Open Day, I managed to bump into the person I had talked to over the phone about gaining a place, who then very kindly arranged a trip to East Durham College in Peterlee to have a look around the facilities and get a feel of my future surroundings.  It seriously sounds like the best course ever, and I can't wait to share some of my experiences with you very soon.

Whilst staying in Sunderland I'm also coming to terms with student life, how to look after my money etc.  God Bless TESCO and cheap food!

And apart from that nothing much else is happening really. University for me starts on the 11th September (well, that's when induction is, it starts fully on the 23rd) and by then I'll hopefully be posting a lot more videos and blogposts for you to read, watch, appreciate (or laugh at if you prefer...  I don't care, I'm still getting the views aren't I?)

All that's left for me to say is roll on University!

Kind regards

Gordon H

Monday, 29 July 2013

Playing Javert - Days 8 and 9

I cannot believe I forgot to blog for a couple of days!  Shame on me!

Day 8 was the day of runthroughs of both Oliver and Les Misérables and both shows are coming together extremely well.  Les Misérables is basically ready to perform in my opinion.  There are a few things to fix, but very minor and little things.  Oliver needs a lot more work, but today is an all Oliver! day so we'll see how things go!

Day 9 saw the Les Misérables band call.  It was incredible.  It felt so amazing to sing along to the orchestra. Nearly got quite emotional since a lot of the orchestrated bits of the Schools Editon matches the professional West End production and the soundtracks.

Time is passing swiftly and this coming Friday sees the first Oliver! show (afternoon) and the first Les Misérables show (Evening).  I believe there are still tickets for both these events, so go to or to buy yours and come and see the shows!

Day 8 I got footage of Oliver! which can be viewed in the form of an unofficial trailer here:

I have since done 2 vlogs but forgotten to update the blog, so apologies for this being a very rushed, not very well thought out post, but there's nothing I can do now I've missed the days they should have been up.  Here are the vlogs for days 8 and 9:

Once again thank you for following my journey to becoming Javert!  I promise this blog will be updated every night from now on and I won't forget!

kind regards

Gordon H

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 7

It's been a week already...

How time flies!  I mean seriously, it does not feel like last Thursday was the first rehearsal.  It's amazing how far we've all come in a week!

I mean seriously?!  As far as today is concerned, it's like we've had months and months of rehearsals!  In reality of course.  We've had 3 days without chorus and 4 days with...  I've never ever rehearsed a show which has come together so quickly!  Les Misérables is simply stunning!  No other word for it (except incredible of course, but as you know I over-use that word a lot...)

10:20am saw the start of our first complete runthrough of the show from start to finish.  It felt a lot different today, because it felt like we were performing to an audience (the chorus of girls.)  And even on the stage... it just all feels real now.  Who knew the schoolboy who became obsessed with the one who sings about being ready for schoolboys, would become the one singing about being ready for the schoolboys?  (is your mind fecked yet?  Mine certainly is... and I'm the one typing...)

Today also marked my first ever interaction with Sandy, our Master Thenardier, having interacted with Ali, the understudy, for days, it was time to see what Sandy was like.  And he was shockingly good. He played it just like Ali did, except with his own twist.  I dunno how he does it... Sandy is Thenardier!

Today also marked another first.  It was the first time someone recorded some footage of ME.  Javert's Suicide, one of the hardest songs I've ever sung and one of the most emotional/horrible to feel/act out.  That's all I'll say for now.

In short, Les Misérables is going to be incredible, and if you miss out, you'll be kicking yourself that you didn't turn up!

On the Oliver! front, I'm not entirely sure how to play my other character, Dr Grimwig.  I'm half considering asking Sally if I can do it in full Eleventh Doctor get up and goofiness (but I don't think it would go down well...).  Ah well, I'll work it out eventually!

and so I promised you a longer blogpost tonight, and you've got one.

Don't forget to watch the Youtube Video (linked below) and also like my facebook page, follow my twitter, all that jazz.  Only if you want to though (however I'd advise it in case you miss an update!)  Remember all will be updated every night from now until August 11th!
kind regards

Gordon H

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 6

Once again I'm knackered and need to be up early in the morning, so here are some more photos like yesterday.  I'll try my best to get a longer blogpost done for tomorrow though.

Kind Regards

Gordon H

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 5

Another very exciting, very brilliant, very exhausting rehearsal we had today.  There's not much to say here that I haven't already said in the video, so do forgive me for such a short post.  I took footage today and that's in the video. :)

I did however also take some stills from the video footage so you can see these above.

I promise tomorrow's post will be more exciting, I'm just exhausted right now, and need time to think!

kind regards

Gordon H

Monday, 22 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 4

 Greetings to you from Ja-Ja.  Yes that's my new nickname and no it's not that cream coloured eejit from Star Wars either...

Another amazing day of Captivate Drama rehearsals.  I managed to get some pictures today.  On the right is my Barricade costume and below is the bicorn! (YAY BICORN!)

Today was the day the chorus was in for the first time and they completely rocked it! It felt so weird, yet so brilliant at the same time, considering we'd just had three days of principal only rehearsals.

Today all rehearsals were carried out in the theatre, apart from the Les Mis chorus singing through their bits of act I.

The show is going to be absolutely incredible (yes, that word again.) and I really hope that it sells out like it did last year, because then, it would be unforgettable!

As always the youtube video is now up, so do check it out and I'll see you tomorrow for blog 5!

kind regards

Gordon H

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 3

Before I get into this post, I know it's a day late, and I do apologise, but please forgive me for being exhausted last night.  I felt like crap and didn't feel up to a video/blog post.

Anyway day 3 was incredible.  Over-using that word a little, but no other words can describe how wonderful rehearsals are right now!  We have now done a full show-runthrough with all the principals and it really was fantastic.  The whole show has been performed over 3 days with just the principals and tomorrow the chorus turn up!

During the runthrough however myself and our Thenardier were called to the stage to help with lighting (standing in spaces to have light shone on us to show the lighting crew how it looks) and in doing so we missed One Day More.  But I'm not complaining because it's not as if it was a real show... was it?

I was rather excited yesterday because one of the major things I did was try on some elements of costume.  I now know that I will be getting the famous Javert Prison Officer uniform (or a slight variation to it, but it's the same one nonetheless!) and I now know what my costume for the Barricade scenes look like.  It'll be interesting to see how it all adds up in our final rehearsals!  I'm also getting a Bicorn! YAY! I love a good Bicorn! In fact I'm a lover of hats, so to find out that I'll be having a Bicorn and also possibly a top hat, I kinda fanboyed a bit...

The Bicorn I saw was extremely similar to how Russell Crowe's one looked when I looked at myself wearing it.  I don't have a picture of the hat itself, but I'll get that for you in time. For now, have a random Russell Crowe picture

Tomorrow consists of both Oliver and Les Misérables rehearsals running in tandem with each other.  It'll be interesting to see how it all fits together because I'm sure rehearsing two shows at once with one director is a bit stressful!

As always my latest vlog is now on youtube.  I'm really enjoying doing these and I hope you like them as much as I do making them :)

kind regards

Gordon H

Friday, 19 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 2

Has it really already been 2 days?!

Yes it has, and these two days have been absolutely wonderful!  We have nearly completed principal rehearsals and start with the chorus on Monday.

Today was an Act II day, barricade scenes/sewers/suicide/cafe/confession was all covered in the space of 4 hours, which means we've runthrough almost the entire musical with just principals, in 2 days! That's incredible!  I don't think I've ever seen quicker learning/rehearsing!

For fun, Max, our Jean Valjean himself, and I sang a complete rendition of the Confrontation (which is sadly shortened in the School Edition) which was absolutely epic!  Someone filmed us, so fingers crossed for that video going online!

Tomorrow is set to be epic, it's an entire runthrough of what we've done over these 2 days plus the end.  I can't wait to have a full day of playing Javert when it's both acts we perform.

I honestly cannot wait until next week when the chorus come in!  It's going to be super epic, and I'll also get to do my bit for Oliver! next week too!  I'm having the time of my life right now, and I'm sure it will be a time I will remember for the rest of my life!

I really hope you enjoyed reading this and will continue to join me in my journey to the Fringe!

kind regards

Gordon H

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Playing Javert - Day 1

The time is now... the day is here!

This morning marked the very first time I got to step into the shoes of Inspector Javert.  It was incredible!

In February I read the book and I've taken elements of book Javert and the different musical Javerts and kind of put them together plus added my own ring to the character and it feels amazing to play on epic proportions.

In all honesty, it's not what I was expecting at all.  I've known Les Misérables for 5, nearly 6 years so I expected it would be very similar if not the same to how it's been done before... oh how wrong I was.

The Cast is absolutely incredible.  I don't think I could ask for a better cast to work with.  Everyone is very friendly, have laughs now and again and everyone gets on really well with each other.

The School Edition sadly has a few cuts to it (one major one being the first verse of Stars) which is sad, but it also opens up to a brand new imagining of Les Misérables which I've never heard/witnessed before, and it's extra special to be a part of it all!

The venue looks brilliant.  It's a very large theatre space in Broughton High School which looks like it will be fun to work in!

Rehearsals today lasted from 10am - 6pm and it was an extremely hot day, so hopefully tomorrow will be a bit cooler, though I doubt it.

Tomorrow I'm not needed until 2pm so I'm quite happy because tomorrow morning I'll have time to do stuff properly (this morning I slept in by an hour so was rushing around to be out the door in case I was late... ah well it paid off since I arrived 10 minutes early).

So that's about it for this blog post. Do check out my video to go along with this post (I will link it below) and don't forget to like my new facebook page/follow me on twitter/Subscribe to me on youtube, if you haven't already done so.  You don't have to but every little helps and every little follow/like/subscribe is fully appreciated!

Kind Regards

Gordon H

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

July Update: One Day More, Pies, Witches, University and F. R. I. E. N. D. S.

One Day More  
It's July the 17th, and tomorrow is the day I step into the boots of Inspector Javert.  It's a whole 2 months since I found out I landed the role and time has completely flown by!  Who'd have thought that it would take so little time for me to reach this stage?!

I am really looking forward to playing my dream role this year, and I'll be bringing you all the latest from rehearsals every single day, right up until the last curtain down on August 11th.  Accompanied with these posts I will be posting some vlogs on my youtube channel - GordonHorneOfficial so do check those out! It's my first proper attempt at vlogging so be nice.

Since my last update, a fair bit has happened in my life.

Sweeney Todd

Well, what can I say?  Sweeney Todd has become the latest of my obsessions.  So much so that Sweeney is now my second dream role.  Also before watching Sweeney Todd I had never eaten a pie before... I mean WHAT?! I can say that I have now had pie and will be having more in future!

Yes, that's me trying pie for the first time...  I Lovett! (even the Love It, Lovett pun is a regular one I like to use...)

My friend Amy also enhanced an image of myself to look like Sweeney Todd, which is terrifyingly lifelike and the similarities to Johnny Depp are uncanny (just a shame about the costume in the photo, but never mind....)

University Update

The University of Sunderland have finally replied to all my applications and I have received four 'Conditional' offers.  It was hard to choose the backup subject (English with Drama) but I was so chuffed I got to choose my first choice (Performing Arts) after around 2 weeks of waiting for the answer!  Whatever happens it looks like I'll be going to the University of Sunderland in September!  Just now got to wait for the exam results and then I'm all set!  Oh and to add I've also started learning to cook so I don't starve/get ill whilst away.  It's surprisingly fun.

In other news I've discovered and applied for Sunderland's Lives Online Blog which will be a great experience for me since I'm somewhat new to blogging and youtubing...  Here is my "audition" video as it were.  Please do give it a watch and like/share it if you like it :)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

I don't normally watch TV shows like this, but when I found out that Caroline Rhea, one of the stars of the show, was coming to the Edinburgh Fringe, I decided to give it a go so I would have something to talk to her about should I happen to meet her.  I've just finished the first season and it really left me wanting more.  It's really quite awesome and I think once I have more time I'll re-watch them again.  For those who don't know, the show is based around the life of Sabrina, who is living with her Aunts, Hilda and Zelda, and her cat, Salem, and how she copes and struggles with pretending to be a mortal, and also being a witch.  I do recommend you watch some, it's brilliant.  All of season 1 is on youtube, so get searching!

Another show I'd never watched before was F.R.I.E.N.D.S.  A popular comedy that everyone else has seen before me.  I've not watched much, only the first episode (which wasn't at it's best I don't think.).  I'll reserve my judgement after watching more of it.

New Facebook Page
I have opened a new Facebook Page, which will be linked with my twitter/youtube/blogspot accounts and it's basically just for discussions.  As I'm starting out vlogging/blogging I thought it would be an idea to get a page, so my subscribers/blog readers would have somewhere to talk to me without having to be friends with me (I don't normally give out my private account...).

Anyway that's all from me for tonight, but do check back tomorrow for my first rehearsal blog, focusing on Les Misérables and my experiences during rehearsals.

kind regards

Gordon H

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Visions of a Spectral Atmosphere

On Friday 21st of June, also the day of the Summer Solstice, Sunderland University held it's annual event "Spectral Visions", this year's event being subtitled "the Revenge".

Basically Spectral Visions is an event held at the university made up of a conference and various different lectures, usually with a gothic theme.  The fun part is that you learn about Gothic literature and from what I've seen some people also get to dress in gothic colours and costumes (Vampires and suchlike).  I was added to the facebook group for the event, but sadly I couldn't make it this year because of... well time/money/distance (as per fecking usual with great events that I want to go to!)

I don't know too much else about it really but the following video gives you a real feel for the event and what's involved etc -

Some of you may say it looks like some sort of amateur freakshow put on by weirdos...

Regardless of what you think, I do believe that these events are well worth going to.  I haven't seen a single post on the facebook group that says they wish they hadn't gone, or that they didn't enjoy it.

I am currently in the process of applying to the University of Sunderland (well if I get a reference provided on time I will be...) and there are so many reasons why I chose Sunderland as a place to go for further education, and events like this is one of them!  I love to dress up, I have also become interested in anything Gothic (a new horizon for me I should add, this time last year would have been a totally different kettle of fish!) and I'm keen to start reading Gothic Literature (I'll probably no doubt start with Dracula or Jekyll and Hyde or something).

So yeah I think that's all I've got left to say at the moment, but do keep checking back/leave comments and things saying how I could improve my blog and suggestions for what to post, that kind of thing.  I'm pretty new to all this, but I do have plans for future posts etc!

best regards

Gordon H

Saturday, 15 June 2013

It's finally sunk in...

On the 16th May, I found out that I was to play my all time dream role of Inspector Javert in Les Misérables.  It's taken almost a month, but it's finally sunk in that it's all real!

At the callback on the 15th May, the talent of everyone else auditioning was extraordinary, and these were people who had lots of experience from performing Les Misérables at the Edinburgh Fringe the previous two years.  When I found out I had been cast as Inspector Javert, my day turned from one of the worst days, to one of the best days of my life!

What Les Misérables means to me...

I first got introduced to Les Misérables through my Mum (Who is a big fan of the show and has seen it in London and Edinburgh a lot more than I have) who introduced me to the Complete Symphonic Recording.  It was a rainy day not long after my birthday in 2008 and I was inside doing a very complicated jigsaw puzzle of the world (a 3D globe if you must know) and I needed some music in the background.   So my Mum suggested Les Misérables, which I agreed to, since the only real musicals I'd seen before were Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Scrooge and Mary Poppins (plus I had knowledge of others from watching the films, but at this point there was no Les Misérables film), I decided I would give it a listen.

It was the best decision I ever made in my opinion.  From day one I was drawn to the character of Inspector Javert (I think part of it was the fact that one track was called "Javert's Suicide") and I listened to the musical, mostly following that character.  Then I loved it so much I sat for a second time the next day and listened to it all the way through again.  The power, the misery, the epicness, suddenly burst into the ears and became imprinted on the brain.  From the second listening, I knew from that moment on, that I would never let this musical go!  And on the brain it has remained ever since.

At this time I was a cheapskate, and had a very good MP3 player (I say very good in a very sarcastic manner since the MP3 player was... not the best, but not the worst, let's say it did the job) and Les Misérables was the most played music on it. Many paper-rounds were spent listening to it, many were also spent singing along to it whilst on my travels, earning me the title of "The Singing Paper-Boy" among the customers I delivered to. I don't know why it was my most played, because I didn't understand most of the story at this point, just loved the music.

It was after I'd listened to it more than 10 times on my MP3 player that my Mum introduced me to the Vocal Selections from Les Misérables book.  I couldn't believe she owned that.  Instantly I took it into school and would stand with my then singing teacher (rest in peace Thomas) and sing the numbers while he bashed the notes out on the piano. He definitely heard the people sing the songs of angry men who would not be slaves again...

"Stars, in your multitudes, scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light, you are the sentinels, silent and sure, keeping watch in the night, keeping watch in the night..."

When I discovered Stars, there was no going back.  I have sung the song many many times, with all 3 of my singing teachers and at countless school concerts (one of my more memorable performances was a costume and make-up performance during a song and dance show which I was asked to sing at.  My make-up was incredible (Thanks again Connor! I might need you for the Fringe ;) ) and the performance felt so real.  It was amazing! (see the picture at the top of the page)

Then it was my turn to go and see the show, for real!  Les Misérables celebrated its 25th Anniversary by releasing a touring production.  I went to see it on the 27th April (a Tuesday night) and my Mum and I had two of the best seats in the theatre.  Apart from the plonker who came in halfway through who am I and forgot to turn his phone off, my experience of the musical on stage was phenomenal!  John Owen Jones as Jean Valjean and Earl Carpenter as Javert...  I will always remember them, especially Earl who is the best Javert in my opinion (sorry Philip).  I laughed and sobbed that night. And from then on my obsession grew...

Jump forward to 15/06/2013 and I hold in my hands, the vocal score of "Les Misérables School Edition", and it all becomes real.  I'm playing Javert in less than 2 months!  I should say I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time, I'm shitting bricks (or should I say barricades to make it fit into the context better?)

I don't know what else to say really.  I've dreamed this dream (hungered for it) all my life and in August I get to live it!

If you are interested in coming to see Captivate Drama's 2013 production of Les Misérables School Edition, then you can buy tickets here.  The show is being performed at Broughton High School on East Fettes avenue so make sure you know where that is before booking ;)

I hope to see you there!  I can't wait to be a part of the best musical ever written (sorry Sweeney, I've loved Les Mis a lot longer and although you're my joint first favourite musical, Les Mis wins this time) and to join in Captivate Drama's crusade in bringing the musical to life at this years Edinburgh Fringe.

Best Regards

Gordon H

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

And now for a first post...

My first blogger post! :D

I'm new to blogger so coming to terms with how everything works at the moment... the blog is pretty basic so far (managed to edit the background, it was hard to do that!)  and I hope I can come to terms with how to use it in time...

So yeah, boring first post, just be grateful it isn't my last (it probably will be depending on what I'm up to but I wouldn't hold your breath for anymore...)

Oh and I'll mention now, being a big fan of Doctor Who, Les Misérables, Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera, LEGO, Action Figures, Autograph collecting, Reading, Cross Stitch and lots of other things, I shouldn't have limited things to talk about, and with the possibility of going to University in September, that'll give me even more to talk about...

so yeah, I think that's all you need to know, apart from the fact I tend to ramble so short posts become long ones and long ones become bibles...

Best Regards

Gordon H